Next Level

What is it you aspire to? What do you define as YOUR “next level”? Multiple pirouettes? Greater jump height? Better stamina? Greater artistry in your port de bras? More flexibility? Deeper choreographic creativity? The courage or strength to overcome that pesky fear or habit holding you back?

The first step is to write down your goals. “Goals that are not written down are just wishes”, (quote by Fitzhugh Dodson).  Make a list! Consider writing one goal at the top of each page in your journal.

Next is to consider what are the things that might hold you back from reaching that goal - your “roadblocks” - and make a list of them on the left side of the page for that goal. Don’t worry - we’re going to blast them! Now consider carefully how you might address each one, and write an ACTION PLAN next to each roadblock for overcoming it. For example, perhaps the goal at the top of my page is “Get up at 5:30 am every morning to do my exercises and write in my journal” (because I know this will improve my ability to accomplish some other goals in my life!). I might list “sleeping late” as one of the roadblocks to reaching my goal of greater productivity in the mornings. I have to consider WHY it is sometimes so hard: going to bed late, eating late, too much blue light or screen time before bed, etc. My action plan might include:” Finish eating and all screen time by 7:30 pm; read something relaxing 8-9pm; Lights out by 9:30pm.”

Remember, these are not restrictive “RULES” to follow - this is a method for clearing out the obstacles and giving ourselves  FREEDOM to reach our goals! Consider posting your goals in a prominent place to help remind you or your purpose, or re-read your goals daily, or better yet, write out your goals daily on a piece of paper to help reinforce your focus on them. Also, look for ways to set up a barricade against your “roadblocks” - i.e. if spending is a roadblock to saving money for that summer intensive you want to attend next year, then switch to cash-only when you go out, leave the credit or debit card at home, and delete the shopping apps on your phone so you are not tempted to purchase. Make good habits easier (FREEDOM!), and make bad habits harder (VICTORY!). More about habits in another blog…

Lastly, RECORD YOUR PROGRESS and celebrate small victories! Consider a “habit tracker” to check off your accomplishments.  Don’t get discouraged or let yourself focus on set-backs. Briefly write down what happened, (this is useful later in objectively evaluating what works/doesn’t work for you), then re-focus on your goal, and MOVE FORWARD. Remember, Rome wasn’t built in a day!

Resource for free printable Habit Trackers:

Resource for more info on Habits: “Atomic Habits” by James Clear

Naomi Sawyer, PT

Dance Physical Therapist, Ballet Dancer, & Instructor who provides injury prevention, therapeutic intervention, and performance optimization services to dancers, teachers, and studios in New Hampshire and beyond.


